One thing that breaks my heart while traveling abroad is seeing little kids homeless on the street. This picture was taken in barrio Recoletta, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I took the picture about one block off the main street Sante Fe, in the upscale neighborhood Recoletta. It was really late too. About at 1:30 am, so I know that no kid should be sleeping on a street by themself. I think the parent's of this kid actually stay a block or two away watching to see if any tourists/locals drop money on the bed for him. I definitely wanted to do something for this little kid, but I hate leaving money for people that are homeless. I have heard from locals that some parents actually make their kids "work" (beg for money) in order to pay for their family's food. One way they to put a kid to work is to make him be on the street like this for people to pass by and drop off money. I always believe that it is better to give homeless people food or a drink so that way you know they can't spend it on drugs or alcohol. It definitely makes me feel blessed to be able to sleep in a bed with a roof over my head...gracias a dios!!