Renting a Ford Tatoo for 25 Days....1200.00, 275 Litres of Super Gasoline.... 150.00, Repairing 7 Flat tires...... 200.00, 9 nights lodging in Hotel Ford Tatoo....Free, getting ripped off for a used jug to put spare fuel in 5.00, Driving 1400 Kilometers down route 40 on the worst gravel roads you can imagine with 60 mph winds, in the middle of nowhere, and with 3 Israeli soldiers packed in the tatoo with all there luggage like sardines.....the experience...priceless!
I don't even know where to start on this one. It was a wild one and very memorable thats for sure and you can probably already guess. I took off from Rio Pico on a mission. I was anxious to get across this Ruta Cuarenta that I keep reading about and people keep trying to tell me not to take. I mean how bad can it be its just a gravel road going over 1000 kilometers though the most desolate part of Argentina. Obviously they didn't factor in that I got the Ford Tatto with me. She will get me through. I know she wont let me down. At least I hope.
I left there around 2 and drove 5 hours south to Perito Moreno. Which is like the staging area for this trip. I got a bunch of water here and some extra gas and found a good spot on the side of the road to park tatoo for the night. I took off around 8 and headed south on the first leg of the journey which was only 2 and a half hours. When I got around 16 km from the first town it started. I got my first flat of the trip. I was actually pretty happy about this, I mean if I didn't get at least one then the tough route 40 would be like a total let down for me and rather pointless. These trips are always way more fun when stuff goes wrong.
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