So I took off again heading south down to meet my new friend from the Internet cafe, not really knowing what to expect. It was much better than the other option of going down there blind. I got to this tiny town of Rio Pico late at night and that is where I attempted to download the pictures of the last blog and almost punched out the computer. I ended up finding a nice street in town to make my campsite where I parked the tattoo for the night. The next day I had to wait until around 11 for the gas station to open before I took off to find AugustinĀ“s cabin. The service down here is terrible and they have no sense of urgency with anything. I think they would rather just lose business than put any effort forth what so ever. I guess since there is very little tourism in this area they have not adapted to the change yet.
It ended up being like a 30 min drive to his house. As I pulled up he walked out with his some fresh bed head and a big smile on his face. I think he was pretty surprised I actually came. Right away we went over to Miguel's house to get my cabin lined up. It was a pretty nice pad and only 40 bucks a night. You could have up to 5 people in there too. That afternoon, Augustin took me down behind Miguel's house about 30 min to the Rio Pampas. On the way he showed my all of the wild strawberries all over the place. There really tiny, but really tasty.
This was my cabin on Lago 4. It was the only cabin for rent on the lake and very solitary. I loved it. After sleeping in my car the last 5 days it was a pleasant change.
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