Once you have decided to travel for an extended period of time you need to make a very big decision. This decision will impact your whole trip. Are you going to travel with a friend(s) or are you going to travel the world by yourself?
For some travelers the only way to travel the world is by traveling by themself. Traveling by yourself allows you to experience so many more things compared to traveling with a friend back home. The best part and also the hardest part of traveling by yourself is stepping out of your comfort zone! You will have to introduce yourself to strangers, eat by yourself, and feel out of place a lot of the time. But on the other hand you will meet new people introducing yourself to complete strangers or asking them if you can sit down at their table. These other "strangers" could possible be people who you will travel for days or possibly weeks. That is the best part about this adventure you are about to set out on is not know what is going to happen next. There are a lot of travelers who are traveling by themselves right now. These travelers are looking to team up with other travelers. If you talk to most travelers after their trip they will tell you that meeting new people was the best part about the trip.
In reality, when you start traveling, you are never really by yourself. Once you check into a hostel there are always people hanging out. Or if you join a group tour, you are then traveling with atleaset 5-10 other people who are instantly your new friends! So do not be afraid that you will be alone the whole trip if you go by yourself.
If you are only traveling for only a couple of weeks, then I would suggest that you travel with a friend or two. If you are traveling for more then 2 months, then I would suggest for you to try traveling by yourself.